Letter From the President — Cal Interfraternity Council

Golden Bear, 

On behalf of the over 1,000 members of the IFC, I hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe; these are unprecedented times and I can only imagine how this has affected you and those you hold dear.  

One of the most important responsibilities I have as the Interfraternity Council President is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our entire community.  I know and understand that we have an impact on not just our brothers, but the Berkeley community as a whole.  With this in mind, the IFC has been proactive in our approach to limiting the spread of COVID-19.  We banned all events of any kind before the University advised this action be taken, and we have pivoted our recruitment process to be entirely virtual.  

Virtual recruitment is something that we have never done before, but we intend to make it just as exciting and engaging as normal!  Our recruitment will run from Thursday, August 27th to Thursday, September 10th.  This process is twice as long as normal, as we want to give ample time to allow for chapters and potential new members (that’s you!) to form bonds virtually.  We also know that life happens, especially in the current climate, and we want to be as accommodating as humanly possible.  Please sign up for recruitment here.

Joining an Interfraternity Council (IFC) fraternity is an honored and unique experience. The University of California, Berkeley has taken part in that experience since 1870, when our Greek Community was born. For over 150 years, we have been successful in shaping young men, such as yourself, into the Nation’s top leaders. Each IFC fraternity on campus has a different history and culture to offer, but each also offers you a brotherhood that you will hopefully soon call home.

The Interfraternity Council recognizes that with this history and tradition comes inherent privilege and exclusivity. We will and must do everything in our power to change this. Based on our values of Diversity, Inclusion, Community, and Equity, we are trying to make our recruitment process as accessible and welcoming as we can.

The UC Berkeley Interfraternity Council is committed to bettering ourselves and those around us, despite the pandemic and global events.  We hope you will become a part of that process and grow as men along the way.  

If you have any questions that are not answered on the website, please reach out to me ifc.president@calgreeks.com.  Go Bears!


Maximilian Ackerman

Interfraternity Council President.
